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  • Karlowicz, Mieczyslaw - (1876-1909), (ł-aw łowicz), Polish composer
  • Daumal, Rene - (1908-1944), poet
  • Brault, Jacques - (born 1933), Canadian writer
  • Tam, Roman - (1950-2002)
  • van den Eeckhout, Gerbrand - Dutch painter
  • Watt, Mike - (born 1957), bassist
  • Burroughs, William Seward - (1855-1898), inventor of the calculator
  • Saramago, Jose - (born 1922), Nobel Prize for Literature 1998
  • Baird, John Logie - (1888-1946), British inventor
  • Bridges, Lloyd - (1913-1998), U.S. actor
  • Haakon Magnus - Crown Prince of Norway, (born 1973)
  • Karpov, Anatoly - (born 1951), Soviet chess champion
  • Samy - Cuban hair stylist, TV personality
  • Busch, Adam - American actor
  • Lang, K.D. - (born 1961), Canadian musician
  • Delaunay, Charles Eugene - (1816-1872), French astronomer and mathematician
  • Abercrombie, John - (1780-1844), musician
  • Dayton, Mark - US politician
  • Maclean, Katherine - (born 1925), author
  • Bosley, Tom - (born 1927), US actor
  • Zac, Kuk - (died 640) Queen of Palenque
  • Bainbridge, Beryl - (born 1934), novelist
  • Brasseur de Bourbourg, Charles Etienne - (1814-1874), ethnographer
  • Algardi, Alessandro - (1598-1654), sculptor, painter
  • Alice of Albany, Princess - cousin of King George V
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