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Lily Braun Biography
Lily Braun (2 July 1865 - 8 August 1916), born Amalie von Kretschmann, was a German feminist writer. The daughter of a Prussian general, she was briefly married to the professor of philosophy Georg von Gizycki, who was associated with the Social Democrats (SPD) without however being a member of the party. After his death, in 1896 she married Heinrich Braun, who was a Social Democratic politician and a publicist. Lily Braun joined the SPD at an early age and became one of the leaders of the German women’s movement. She died after a long illness on 8 August 1916.

Die Frauenfrage : ihre geschichtliche Entwicklung und ihre wirtschaftliche Seite (The Women's Question: historical development and economic aspect)
Wahrheit oder Legende: Ein Wort zu den Kriegsbriefen des Generals von Kretschman (Truth or Legend: A word on the war letters of General von Kretschmar)
Die Mutterschaftsversicherung : ein Beitrag zur Frage der Fürsorge für Schwangere und Wöchnerinnen (Maternity Insurance: an article on the question of care for pregnant womena and those in childbed)
Die Frauen und die Politik (Women and Politics)
Memoiren einer Sozialistin - Lehrjahre (Memoirs of a Socialist - Apprenticeship years) (Novel)
Memoiren einer Sozialistin - Kampfjahre (Memoirs of a Woman Socialist – Years of Struggle) (Novel)
Mutterschaft : ein Sammelwerk für die Probleme des Weibes als Mutter (Motherhood: A collection of works on the problems of women as mothers)
Die Liebesbriefe der Marquise (The Marchioness's Loveletters)
Die Frauen und der Krieg (Women and the War)
Im Schatten der Titanen : Erinnerungen an Baronin Jenny von Sustedt (In the Shadow of the Titans: Recollections of Baroness Jenny von Sustedt)
Lebenssucher (Searchers for Life)
Frauenarbeit und Beruf (Women's Work and Career)
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